Katelyn Cirigliano
Katelyn Cirigliano’s undergraduate education began at Manhattanville College in Purchase, NY and continued at Wagner College in Staten Island, NY. Katelyn earned her degree at Wagner College in Staten Island, NY for Arts Management with concentrations in music and theater in 2009. Kate spent 10 years in administrative support roles across corporate industries, architecture, design, and music. She refocused on her own health long-term by enrolling in a Pilates and yoga certifications program at The Pilates Center in Boulder, CO. Her movement lifestyle and career inspired the inclusion of nutrition as a profession. Katelyn later opened a studio in NYC in collaboration with a physical therapy practice and gym to provide rehabilitative movement to athletes and mature adults. In addition, she worked at the Center for Movement in NYC and was the Founder of Restorative Pilates serving clients in Manhattan and Staten Island. Most recently, Kate taught Pilates for pre and postpartum women at Springboard Pilates in Portland, ME. After 2020, Katelyn’s teaching offerings became virtual, so she pursued the study of impacts of nutrition on human health. Her additional education and nutrition practice in science courses took place at Southern Maine Community College (SMCC). The biology, chemistry, and nutritional coursework prepared her application for the University of New England’s (UNE) MSAN program. Katelyn has ten years of experience with motivational interviewing (MI) and movement therapies in NJ, NYC and Southern, ME and continues to practice as a student in Maine. Her experience of earning trust and rapport with patients and clients is crucial in her transition from a creative to a clinical field.
As a part of the experiential learning experiences, Kate connected with CV Wellbeing in Gorham, ME with a dietetic team specializing in eating disorders in Southern, ME. CV Wellbeing serves the communities of ME, NH, and MA. Additionally, the design of CV Wellbeing and working with the providers has been concentrated on the role of intuitive eating for quality of life in those patient populations. CV Wellbeing has represented the community experience in the program. Kate has also worked in long-term care at Gorham House in Gorham, ME before transitioning clinical and Food Service learning sites to the hospital setting at AR Gould. Kate’s clinical and Food Service experience at AR Gould in Presque Isle, ME is where the initial renal dietetic experience started and how she began working in their dialysis clinic. Furthermore, Kate has a strong interest in pursuing research and work in the outpatient clinical setting of ED (eating disorder) recovery.
The journey to dietetics has included clinical experience with long-term care, Medical Surgery, Oncology, Rehab, ER and Dialysis in Northern, ME. Kate is interested in working with patients with renal dietetics in the outpatient setting, particularly athletes and patients with CKD 1-3. Concurrent with course studies and experiential learning sites, Kate is the Administrator at Northeast Forensic and Clinical Specialists, Inc and Co-Founder of NouraLife under the direction of the practice’s clinical Psychologist.
Kate resides in Windham, Maine, with her daughter and husband.​
University of New England, (MSAN) Student
Master of Science in Applied Nutrition
Wagner College, Staten Island, NY August 2007-2009
B.S. Arts Administration, Combined Arts (Music & Theater)
Manhattanville College Purchase, NY August 2005-2007
Vocal Performance, Theater Major (Transferred
AR Gould Northern Light Presque Isle, ME May 2024 – Current
Clinical Dietetic Student
Population Served: Inpatient Nutritional care processes and Medical Nutrition Therapies (MNT) for patients for Northern Light hospital.
Responsibilities: clinical assessment, diagnoses, intervention, monitoring, and evaluation of all patients in Medical Surgery, Rehab, ER, and Oncology. Calculating nutritional needs for TPN and PPN and in collaboration with clinical team and RD supervisor. Responsible for food and drug interaction education and nutrition education according to unique patient diagnoses. Collaboration with multi-disciplinary clinical staff to address the needs of medical nutrition therapies (MNT) across the facility.
CV Wellbeing Gorham, Maine March 2023- Current
Community Dietetic Student
Population Served: Nutrition care processes for outpatient private practice serving the Southern, ME.
Responsibilities: Assessing, diagnosing, and creating interventions for pediatric clients to adult clients with diagnosed ED. Utilizing Intuitive Eating framework to create interventions for clients with ED
Creating and updating nutrition care plans for all patients and applying nutritional biochemistry to all patient care and providing supervised recommendations in meetings.
Gorham House/Consult Nutrition Inc. March 2023- Current
Clinical and Food Service Management Dietetic Student
Population Served: Nutrition care processes, team management, cooking and serving for residents of long-term care in Southern, ME.
Responsibilities: Assessing, diagnosing, and creating interventions for patients at long-term care and under the supervision of regional RDN. Applying coursework concepts to rotation casework. Calculating energy, macronutrient and micronutrient and fluid needs for all patients. Creating and updating nutrition care plans for all patients. Responsible for assisting Food Service Management with food preparation, scheduling, serving, and human resource management
Northeast Forensic and Clinical Specialists, Inc. March 2021 - Present
Administrator for Private Practice
Population Served: Forensic and clinical psychological services delivered throughout the United States seeing clients age 12-65+.
Responsibilities: Performed all administrative duties of the practice including scheduling, invoicing, and managing communications. Complied with rigorous confidentiality standards.
Restorative Pilates Center New York - Maine Sept 2017 – May 2023
Owner/Pilates Instructor
Population served: Referrals of Physical Therapy in Staten Island, rehabilitated athletes, and mature adults in the setting of functional movement training in NYC & ME.
Responsibilities: Taught in person and virtual classes across the U.S. from Boulder, CO to NY: Manhattan, Staten Island, Ossining and Portland, Maine. Explored the fundamentals of Joseph Pilates method with those of advanced age and helped restore and repair professional athletes that were rebuilding strength after injuries. Developed a restorative approach to the Pilates practice and opened a fitness center for clients to provide advice and help work on their posture, alignment and/or build strength. Cultivated and maintained long-term client relationships in both Staten Island, NY, and New York City. Full-time client correspondence to arrange fitness plans and work around client schedules. Trained beginner to advanced level Pilates to a diverse group of clients.
The Pilates Center, Boulder, Colorado Jun 2016 - Aug 2017
Teacher Training Program
Population Served: Directed and taught functional movement and pilates to injured athletes and older adults in Boulder, Colorado.
Responsibilities: Completed 450 collective hours of teaching, teaching clinics, observation, lessons, and exams to complete an Intermediate Level certification. Taught rehabilitative clients and worked to understand their injuries and the proper exercises to strengthen imbalances. Focused on the classical method and teachings as it relates to Joseph Pilates’, Return to Life Principles
The Office of Thierry W. Despont, New York Mar 2013- May 2016
Office Administrator
Responsibilities: Provided direct administrative support; duties include, scheduled personal meetings, handled communication from high valued clients. Assisted photographers, public relations representatives, and film producers with meetings and coordinating meeting time with TD. Liaison with external PR representatives that wished to highlight most recent projects and featured artist’s work. Created and maintained department database and spreadsheet files for employee timesheets, vacation, and supported fabric librarian with high clientele interior design. Developed processes that simplify, automate, and add reliability to all department procedures. Composed and prepared correspondence, reports, and other documents.
Kappa Omicron Nu (KON) 2024
Student Member
Maine Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (MAND) 2023
Student Member
EATRIGHT.ORG Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics 2023
Student Member
References Available Upon Request